Costco Additional Senior Days and Coronavirus Update
Hi Everyone!
I would consider myself a seasoned Costco Shopper and even then, I find it hard to keep up with all the Costco News. Costco has helped out with a bulletin on their website that explains most of the major changes that have taken place. Things have changed so quickly in the last two or three weeks and I personally feel that Costco has done a pretty good job at changing their structure to adapt to the times.
The main change that Costco announced today is that Costco is extending its Senior / People with a Physical Disability Shopping hour from 8:00AM to 9:00AM to include Wednesday on top of Tuesday and Thursday. Senior Hours have been a big hit at Costco and I’m sure a lot of people will benefit from this.
Costco in the USA has decreased their hours, but it looks like Costco Warehouses in Canada will be keeping their regular hours! Some Costco Warehouses are even opening earlier than their posted opening times to accommodate more people.
Costco Delivery times have also been been extended to 7-8 days due to increased demand.
To read all the new changes please go visit the: Costco Special Hours and Coronavirus Update

Happy Shopping!
CLICK HERE TO SEE the Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Mar 30 – Apr 5, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB
A quick reminder that if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should be self-isolating for 14 days. Each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province. Information can be found at the following websites.
Saskatchewan COVID-19 Information
If you are out in public, please practice social distancing which means:
- Limit activities outside your home
- Use virtual options to connect with others
- If you are out in public, try to keep 2 metres between yourself and others.
- Keep your hands at your side when possible
- Stay home when you are sick
- Cough into your elbow or sleeve
- Avoid social activities in large gatherings.
Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!
New Costco Shopping Updates: Senior Hours, In-store Shopper Limits, Product Limits & Return Restrictions!
Happy Shopping!
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Anyone knows what days Lysol Wipes pk of six usually there,? in Willingdon or burnby costco.
I have been going every week by 8 am, for the last 4weeks, all sold out or no delivery per Costco sales staff .
It’s very hard for people with disability to make effort & item not found, also as seniors should be nit have to be in a crowded places .
Wish, we could order online & costco should put a limit of buying one pk only per customer, that’s every 2-3 weeks allowed before next purchase again, so no one abuse the system in times like now as everyone needs to share.
Last Thursday my wife and I tried to do the Senior Day early opening in Abbotsford. I have a neuroimmune illness. When we got there shortly after 8 AM we found that the lineup went completely around the warehouse. We asked the one security guard if this was the lineup for seniors and immune compromised people. He said that he could not say. On Sunday afternoon our daughter did a run to Costco. In comparison, the lineup was 30 minutes long. Of course most highly desired products were sold out by then. It is clear that people are still hoarding and using the special opening hours even though they don’t fit the criteria.
I don’t know what the solution is. Obviously it is unreasonable to expect Costco to be able to determine who fits the criteria and who doesn’t.
So today will be the last day that I shop during the first hour. Although I am both over 60 and mobility challenged I have to wait in a lineup of very able bodied Individuals. By the time I get in I have exhausted a lot of my stamina. I will now go in the afternoon where there are not lineups. I think this is when a lot of the handicapped individuals are going as there are tons of parking at my Costco for handicap people in the mornings. I go to the Sherwood Park Costco. They really should have reserved the first hour for mobility challenged individuals as it appears to me those including the mobility challenged seniors are the ones who really need it. I had one guy rush around me as I was walking to the end of the line – so rude. Not all seniors need that first hour – it just looks like it is being 50% abused. Maybe we will find out as someone was recording the people in line with their phone.
Barbara, yes! One lower mainland location said it’s only over 60 that are allowed in, not the physically disabled as is written on Costco’s website. It’s sad how Costco refuses to allow their vulnerable and high risk customers to shop with the seniors like most retailers are doing.
For comparison, Costco USA is shortening their hours instead of extending them which is unfortunate because they can close off parts of the store like I have them do to restock and clean.
Costco USA has this policy now:
Effective Friday, April 3, Costco will allow no more than two people to enter the warehouse with each membership card. This temporary change is for your safety and the safety of our employees and other members, and to further assist with our social distancing efforts. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
And their policy on seniors:
Until further notice, Costco warehouses will open from 8 to 9 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday for members ages 60 and older, and for those with physical impairments. The pharmacy will be open, but the Costco Food Court will be closed during these hours. Find a Costco warehouse near you.
It’s only a matter of time before the changes will affect Canadian Costcos too.
Thank you for extra day for seniors.I had to pick up our much needed meds from pharmacy and had planned to go Tuesday but couldn’t due to forecast of rain and icy roads for Tuesday morning.
I ended going late Monday to get groceries and meds.
thank you for your information
Nanaimo Costco Senior Shopping early opening is 9:00 not 8:00 people lined up earlier than 8:00. Long lines and chilly wait until 9:00 hard to stay 6 feet apart with a lot of people in the meat and produce area. Staff was great trying their best.
Also it’s not just seniors or the disabled but the vulnerable too.
I expect Costco Canada will eventually fall in line with the US and shorten their hours too.
Costco employees will heckle people if they are vulnerable and do NOT also fall into the over 60 and physically disabled category, so be careful!
Courtenay was 9 am also, huge lineups then, down the full length of building, and then another couple hundred feet beyond that.