Costco Special Operating Hours for 60+ Starts Nov 2, 2020
Hi Everyone!
According to The Costco Updates and Coronavirus Response Page:
I just wanted to let everyone know that “Effective November 2, 2020, Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Costco will temporarily implement special operating hours for members who are 60 and older or who have a physical disability.”
Personally, I haven’t experienced any long lines recently, but that may change in the future. Costco has also published its hours for the holiday season, so I’ll add it to this post. I know quite a few people were upset when this ended so I’m sure quite a few people will be happy about this.
Happy Shopping!

Thank you for the added seniors hour.
Would this include myself? I am 58 years old and have a brain injury from 20 months ago that has affected my emotional centre in my brain. I’m unable to do any form of busy chaos or multi-tasking as it causes debilitating motion sickness and vertigo.
I now have a service animal to help my brain and limbic system calm down when I’m overwhelmed.
Costco in Burnaby, Willingdon, knows this as I’ve been there with my dog but was unable to complete my shopping because I couldn’t handle the number of people or the chaotic movement with so many people.
Thank you.
Please let me know if this is possible for me to go at 8am.
Kindly, Lisa Reid
Cell: 604 374 6594
Agree, too many people and on top of that, many without masks. I wish they would make the masks mandatory.
Costco has a sign posted in the entrance regarding this change as well. Must say way too many people not wearing masks in Saskatoon. Costco needs to put in a mask mandate to keep staff and customers safe. Given that they are already supplying masks, there is no reason not to. Extra hours for seniors help – but even many of the seniors here aren’t wearing masks. I always appreciate those who mask and observe social distancing. It’s much better for the economy as well to keep people working and shopping.
Ivy. Unfortunately Remembrance Day is not recognized as a statutory holiday in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Manitoba. So my guess is Costco Canada is trying to keep when their warehouses are open/closed all in sync. Instead of some open in one province and some closed in another province.
I don’t understand why Rememberance Day which is a federally observed statutory holiday. In BC it’s both a federally and provincially mandated holiday but Costco has always remained open despite being closed on virtually other holiday. I know many Veterans feel disrespected by Costco remaining open.
Do you know if the new senior and disability’s shopping time allows for a person to accompany them to push the cart and collect the goods for them ?
Thank you for your efforts and communication. Your input is valued.
Louise if you read at the top of his post he says special hours will be from 8am to 9 am
Thank you for posting the new seniors hours. My husband and I were at the Langford store yesterday and it was insane. No lineups, but far too many people in the store at once. Made us a little nervous. Good thing is most people are now wearing masks.
Mmm don’t they already open at 9? What are the senior hours? Sorry. I must be missing something
Awesome! Thank you for letting us know.
Senior hours coming back is wonderful news!
we are happy to see senior hours re appear
Thax, great to know. I am living with a senior.
I have a case to sell if you are interested.
Great, no chance of ever getting Lysol wipes
Oh awesome! My mom will be happy. Costco has been packing their warehouses max people physical distancing not been possible