Gift of Membership Deal – *New and Existing Members* Oct 26 to Dec 27, 2020
Hi Everyone!
So the Gift of Membership deal has come around again this year and some people have already been asking about it. This is the only deal I have found for members who need an extra incentive to renew their membership. You can also order the “Gift of Membership” online without any shipping cost.
The Gift of Membership does not expire, so if your membership does not renew for a while, you can just hold onto the card and redeem it a couple weeks before the renewal date. Then you can still take advantage of the $50 voucher.
Last year, if you purchased a “Gift of Membership” which was a voucher for a Gold Star or Executive membership, you received a $25 or $50 Voucher (online purchases only) with no minimum spending limit. This year you will be getting a $50 Voucher for any “Gift of Membership”
Last year, they have also included an additional Travel Voucher, worth $250 with a minimum spend of $5,000 dollars on travel. This benefit has not been included this year.
To see the official documentation about the “Gift of Membership” deal. Visit here:
Your voucher will be mailed along with your membership voucher within 3-7 days after purchase online, or will be given at time of purchase at the warehouse.
*Valid from October 26, 2020 and January 17, 2021 and may not be combined with any other offer. This offer can only be redeemed on merchandise purchases of $250 or more on (in one transaction, before taxes, applicable fees and shipping, unless applicable fees and/or standard shipping is included in the quoted price). Only one (1) $50 OFF can be used per member per transaction during the promotional period. Voucher will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Voucher amount will not be reissued if merchandise is returned. Offer not valid for Costco purchases made in warehouse, in Costco Business Centres, on, on, on, on, or on purchases of Costco Shop Cards, App Store & iTunes Gift Cards, gift cards, certificates and tickets, travel, tires, membership, or membership renewals. Only Canadian Costco members in good standing may take advantage of this offer. Prices, specifications, availability and terms of offers subject to change without notice.
We are in auto renew and was renewed on October 1 so I guess we missed out?
Hello, just wanted to share my experience with this. Spoke to 2 customer service/membership representatives at the Still Creek store. Apparently, I can purchase the GOM in the warehouse but should use it to purchase a new membership only once my current one expires. They are saying it cannot be used for renewals, but can be used to purchase a new membership once your current one expires, which means you need to a new membership card with a new membership number, etc, which can be a hassle. It sounds like the answers change depending on the person you talk to. I was also told that you can buy the GOM at the warehouse and then you have to enter a code online to get the $50 voucher. Not sure it is worth going through all this hassle if we are not able to get a uniform answer. Would be interested to hear about other people’s experiences.
The store can override the expiry for you so you can purchase it if your card has already expired. We also had to do that yesterday.
I just did this yesterday on our renewal on Calgary.
Hello Costco West,
Were you able to pick up a gift of membership to confirm that the back of this year’s card still says the voucher can be used to renew a membership?
If it can be used to renew a membership, I assume this means we don’t have to take a new photo and can continue to use our existing Costco membership card?
Thank you.
Hi, My membership expired on October 31st, so I can’t purchase this online. What should I do? Go into the store and ask to purchase it and see if they’ll let me??
Hi Shannon, If your membership has expired, you will have to get someone with a membership to buy you the gift of membership.
I renewed my membership at the Port Coquitlam Costco on Saturday 31 October and I was told that the Gift of Membership is only valid for new memberships , not for renewals.
Did anyone purchase a card since this years promotion began and can confirm that Costco will accept it on renewals? Thanks!
Unfortunately this year it says you have to spend $250 before tax to redeem the $50 voucher.
Patricia, this happened to me last year. You’ll need to go to Customer Service in store. Can’t remember exactly how they did it, but believe they renewed my membership first so I could walk into store and buy GOM. All in same visit, I then went back to Customer Service so they could refund my renewal. They them accepted my GOM to renew my membership and give me the vouchers. A bit complicated, but it worked and they were great about it.
Yes, sign on to your Costco online account.
Go to My Account,
Renew Membership
Uncheck the box beside Use Card for Auto Renew under the Auto Renew Payment section.
My auto renew comes from capital one mastercard, can it be turn off? It charges me anuually.
My membership has expired and I thought I’d take advantage of this to renew it, but I can’t purchase the voucher online without renewing my membership first… it’s in my cart but it won’t let me checkout. How can this be used to renew a membership if it can only be purchased online and you have to be a member to purchase?
Hi Patricia, if your Costco membership has expired, unfortunately, you will most likely need someone with a Costco membership to purchase this deal for you.
FYI – I was just at the Burnaby Still Creek location and tried to buy this Gift of Membership deal, but they did not have the $50 off $250 vouchers in-store. They said it is only available online.
Last year there was a min. spend of $250 on to redeem the voucher and it appears to be the case this year too. This makes the voucher less useful unless you have a large purchase planned online.
Can you buy several gifts of membership to hand out, say, as gifts? … Will you get more than 1 voucher? Can you stack them when using them?
I just tried calling Costco and they were pretty adamant that this is for new members only and you can’t purchase it for yourself, it has to be a gift. Did I get someone misinformed on the phone? Please advise!
Hi Zara, Good question, it gets asked every year. The intent of the program is to sign up new members. However the actual “gift of membership” card that is exchanged for a membership states that this can be used for renewal.

Can the “gift of Membership” be used to renew a membership online?
Hi Jennifer, the Gift of Membership is basically gift card that has to be exchanged in store at the membership desk for a new membership, upgrade or renewal.
FYI Lee,
I also had my membership on auto renew. I just called the “contact us” number on the Costco website, they can manually take that out for you.
Hello there,
Where did you get the image above regarding the gift of membership that says “voucher may be used to renew an existing membership”? I am due to renew my membership at the end of November, when I clicked on the link you provided, and proceeded to purchase a membership, it says “this selection is for new membership only”?
Please help. Thank you.
Hi Lai, this image is from the actual “Gift of Membership” card. This is the card they give to you so you can give it as a gift. The card can be exchanged at the membership desk in store for a new membership, upgrade or renewal.
Hello! So would it not work if you started your membership at a different time of the year? Mine I believe was activated as of February so I’d need to renew it then. Could I still participate in this? Can you renew memberships early? Thanks so much for telling us about this!!
Hi Yvonne, You can renew your membership early, however 3 months may be a little early. Personally, I would hold onto the card and upgrade it closer to 30 days before expiry.
Hi, when I went online to get A Gift of Membership, the site said the item could not be shipped to the address given… option for email delivery. Any way how I can get past that? BTW, I love getting all your emails!
Hi Kathe, That is strange! You can also buy a gift of membership in store. They will give you the voucher right there!
When I clicked on the link and chose an executive membership, there’s a bright red message at the top stating that “this selection is for new memberships only”. Help?
Hi Chris, Good question, it gets asked every year. The intent of the program is to sign up new members. However the actual “gift of membership” card that is exchanged for a membership states that this can be used for renewal.

I have done this for the past couple years. I buy it now and keep it until my renewal date then take it in. One year my husband renewed before he knew I had this card. I took it in after and they gave me the money back.
Was just looking at this on the website and in bold red letters at the top of the Product Description it states: This Selection is for New Memberships Only. I know I took advantage of it last year, but with a little bit of a fight. Is the photo of the voucher above current?
Hi Savin, This photo is from Last year. I’ll pick up a gift of membership this weekend and let you know if it is any different this year. My expectation is that it will be the same.
The $50 voucher can’t be used towards those things…not that you can’t activate this offer by renewing an existing membership
Hello, I read the fine print above which states it can’t be used for membership renewals. What am I missing?
“ Offer not valid for Costco purchases made in warehouse, in Costco Business Centres, on, on, on, on, or on purchases of Costco Shop Cards, App Store & iTunes Gift Cards, gift cards, certificates and tickets, travel, tires, membership, or membership renewals.”
Hi Louise, Good question, it gets asked every year. The intent of the program is to sign up new members. However the actual “gift of membership” card that is exchanged for a membership states that this can be used for renewal.

When I went online to purchase this deal, it says clearly in red text that This Selection is for New Memberships Only. I don’t see any option for purchasing a Gift of Membership that allows for renewals.
Hi Alison, Good question, it gets asked every year. The intent of the program is to sign up new members. However the actual “gift of membership” card that is exchanged for a membership states that this can be used for renewal.

When I look online it suggests it’s for new members only. Not noted as an incentive to renew. Any ideas?
Hi Kevin, Good question, it gets asked every year. The intent of the program is to sign up new members. However the actual “gift of membership” card that is exchanged for a membership states that this can be used for renewal.

Hi there,
If we are on auto renew, do you know if we can take advantage of this offer?
Hi Lee, you can always talk to the membership desk and turn off auto-renew, then take advantage of this offer.
I just renewed on the 24th….I guess I lose out …