Costco Fall Aisle 2020 Superpost! Winter Seasonal Aisle & Gift Cards
Location: Langley, BC Costco Warehouse
Hi Everyone!
I went down to Costco today to pick up some last minute items for my Christmas Dinner and I noticed that there were a couple of new items on sale today and tomorrow only, including turkeys, Atlantic Salmon and Holiday Flower Centrepieces.
The Seasonal Aisle sure has changed in a couple of days. Gone are the toys, chocolates and gift cards. They have now moved in Seasonal Winter Gear, and seasonal household goods. For those of you looking for some last minute gift cards, I took photos of the gift card section. I’ve never ordered from Hello Fresh, but there were new discounted gift cards in stock – which I think are a new item.
Happy Shopping!
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates:
If you live in BC, you can see the Covid-19 Safety Plan (British Columbia):
Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Dec 21-27, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB
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Merry Christmas! Thank you for your posts. You provide an important service throughout the year and I appreciate the blog. I consider it well worth the subscription.
Thank you for all your posts throughout the year, especially during 2020 and all it’s challenges. It’s much appreciated. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thank you for all the posts throughout the year and look forward to them in 2021.
That being said, may 2021 be a better year for all and let’s mark 2020 as a year of learning and reflection on our fellow humans!
Stay safe, stay healthy.
Thank you for all your hard work. I never go to Costco without a list or checking your posts! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for posting this. I hope you have a nice Christmas. Let’s all work towards a healthy 2021 and put 2020 in the rear view morror. Or 2018 for some folks I guess.
Most of the chocolates were gone last Sunday when we were there. Since there’s usually a Real Canadian Superstore and Walmart within a short distance of Costco, we stopped at RCSS today and much of the store was empty and even egg nog was out of stock. Merry Christmas everyone and try to remember, wear your mask properly and social distance because the virus is airborne.
I was reading an archived post from one of Costco’s allegedly representatives called “James” from 2018: where he goes onto say that “an express lane is of little benefit to our members”. Obviously, James was tone deaf and express lanes were commonplace in the USA for many years (prior to 2018).
Fast forward to the end of 2020, we now see Costco (Canada) have a different “vision” and express lanes are now the norm. I just thought I would remind others how hypocritical people often are.