Weekend Update! – Costco Sale Items for Mar 19-21, 2021 for BC, AB, MB, SK
Location: Langley, BC Costco Warehouse
Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week! It has been a little bit busy here in my household. It is spring break right now, so we have 2 children at home and a newborn. There has been lots of energy in the house this weekend 🙂 but lots of fun. We could all use a little sleep since the baby only likes sleeping on or right next to someone! Hopefully this stage does not last too long!
I’m off to do some much needed house cleaning!
Have a great week everyone!
Happy Shopping!
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
If you live in BC, you can see the Covid-19 Safety Plan (British Columbia): https://www.costco.ca/bc-safety-plan.html
Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!
CLICK HERE for the Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Mar 15-21, 2021, for BC, AB, SK, MB
Members must log in to access pictures: https://cocowest.ca/cocologin/

The 1495856 KALORIK AIR FRYER looks a lot like our Insignia fryer we bought at Best Buy and can be bought for a similar price when on sale.
Anyone see the electric power washer for sale at their local Lower Mainland Costco? I’ve been looking for one. The last time I checked at the PoCo store, they only had the gas power washer. Thanks for your time.
The airfryer was $64.99 at Sherwood park Costco yesterday.