Location: Shenzhen, China
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had all having a great week! A couple of weeks ago, my brother took a trip to Hong Kong and Thailand. From Hong Kong he couldn’t resist taking a day trip to Shenzhen, China to visit the local Costco! He took hundreds of photos of all the items we don’t have here in Canada. If you are interested in what they sell in Costco stores in China, this post is for you!
I think I might have to take a trip there in the future. There were so many fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood that I just I don’t recognize and would love to try!
We have started up the Costco Quebec Fan blog again and we have a great blogger who wants to help share Costco deals with my fellow Quebecers. If you know someone in La Belle Provence, who you think would find this page useful, make sure to let them know. You can always visit the site directly at cocoquebec.ca.
Happy Shopping!
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/costcowestfanblog
INSTAGRAM PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/costco_west_fan_blog/?hl=en
Happy Shopping!
CLICK HERE for the Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Nov 11-17, 2024 for BC, AB, SK, MB
