
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Feb 3-9, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Location: Still Creek, Burnaby Costco

Hi Everyone!

There were lots of great items on sale as usual this week!  Anyways, for those of you who have been waiting, Huggies Natural Care Wipes are on sale this week.  I expect diapers and infant formual to go on sale at the end of February or the first week of March.  Hopefully for those of you waiting you have enough to last!

What a surprise it was to wake up to some snow this morning!  My little 20 month old woke up with a bad wheeze and cough this morning so that was a fun morning adventure!  He will be fine, but we feel a little helpless – even though he is in fairly good spirits, it just sounds awful!

Someone asked if I could post all the pictures of the Dog  and Cat food, so I’ll be doing a separate post tomorrow for that as well as a post of the whole seasonal aisle (furniture and home and garden).  I know it may seem  a little early for gardening season, but here in the lower mainland we have already started to see daffodils come out already!

Happy Shopping!


  1. Premium Early Access Memberships Now Available !!
  2. SPONSORED: Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water Review & Double Contest!
  3. My (Huge) Christmas Wish List from Bellingham Costco
  4. Step-by-Step: The Cheapest, Canadian Disney+ Subscription with Discounted iTunes Gift Cards
  5. Get $20 OFF your next purchase (min $100)
  6. Gift of Membership Deal – *For New and Existing Members* Oct 28, 2019 to Jan 31, 2020
  7. Kraft Chocolate Peanut Butter Powder Review
  8. Nuts for Nature Nut Seed Butter Review
  9. Nature’s Path Organic Pumpkin Seed Flax Granola Review
  10. naturSource Salad Topper Lite Review
  11. Costco Winter Aisle 2020 Superpost! The Costco Whole Freezer and Refrigerated Section!
  12. Costco Winter Aisle 2019 Superpost! Last Minute Gifts -Books, DVDs & Gift Certificates (Dec 18, 2019)
  13. Costco Winter Aisle 2019 Superpost! Clothing, Footwear & Undergarments (Dec 11, 2019)
  14. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Toys & Winter Seasonal (Dec 04, 2019)
  15. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Christmas Trees, Lights, Decorations, Chocolates (Nov 27, 2019)
  16. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Apple Computers (NEW) TVs, Electronics, Speakers Section (Nov 21, 2019)
  17. Costco Fall Vitamins, Supplements and OTC Medicine 2019 Superpost! (Oct 17, 2019)
  18. Costco Thanksgiving Dinner Superpost! Fruit, Vegetables, Baking & Nuts (Oct 6, 2019)
  19. Costco Fall Clothing 2019 Superpost! Clothing, Jackets & Shoes (Sep 26, 2019)
  20. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Bedding & Bath Linens (Sep 19, 2019)
  21. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Personal Care, Kitchen, Household & Appliances (Sep 12, 2019)
  22. RECALL NOTICE: Romaine Lettuce
  23. RECALL NOTICE: Bendable Snowman Trio

What is on sale next week? Check out the sales from last year to see what might be on sale next week?

Seasonal Aisle Costco Post


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Costco Flyer for Feb 3-9, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

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Costco Flyer for Feb 3-9, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB
Costco Flyer for Feb 3-9, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Costco Sale Items for Feb 3-9, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Written by Costco West


Leave a Reply
  1. Thank you again for your efforts. Much appreciated. I have a question. I missed out on the pressure cooker last week. Is there any chance that i could buy it this week?

  2. Went to Edmonton West to pick up Nexgrill portable grill for 50.00 off yesterday and they werent on sale. Frustrating.

  3. You have no idea how much I appreciate you doing all this work week after week. You have saved me so much money over the past year. Thank you from this tired working mom!

  4. Hi just wanted to let you know that your description for Reactine (allergy meds) and what is photographed are not the same item.
    The tag is for the blue Reactine megapack. The photo is a 30 pc red pack which comes with a 10 pack of blue Reactine (usually costs $18.99ish)

    Thank you for all your hard work and effort!

  5. Here’s hoping there is DENTYNE gum at Regina Costco! There’s Lots of TRIDENT and EXCEL gum. I’ve seen DENTYNE in the past but is it OOS just for the sale period?

  6. Let me wish everyone “Gung Hay Fat Choy” and “Sun Nien Fai Lok” in the Lunar Year 4718. The year of the rat/mouse began January 25, 2020.

    For those who are LACTOSE INTOLERANT, February is the annual sale on the WEBBER NATURALS LACTASE ENZYME. The tablet size is still the same at 9000 FCC units each, but the bottle now contains 140 capsules, up from 120 back in 2018. Accordingly, the bottle price is up, but the unit price per capsule is down slightly, to 11.42 cents each.

    I scream, you scream, we can all scream for ice cream !!

  7. Is there a cocowest available for palm springs California?

  8. Thank you! FYI – You have the wrong price with the corn chips.

  9. It’s 9 am Tuesday and I still don’t see the post? (I am not yet a subscriber)

  10. Hi. I check in each week for your site. Enjoy very much. I would like to comment on your displays showing the reverse sides of some of the items for the ingredients. It’s great, as I need to see the sugar contents because my husband is diabetic. Gives me a wider choice of the products. Thanks very much!

  11. Thank you so much for doing these posts every week!!! Just an FYI also – I was at the Cross Iron Costco ( just north of Calgary) yesterday and I was able to pick up Harvest Crunch cereal for $6.39 too. Have a great day

  12. Thank you for all your hard work! Love your posts and it has saved the guesswork of when baby diapers/wipes go on sale! (makes shopping much easier especially when bringing young kids along!) 🙂

  13. I’ve noticed when I click on the link through my phone from the emailed posts non of the pictures show up. It seems to work fine when I click on the same link from my computer. Anyone else experience this?

  14. Hello- thank you for all the work you do.
    I would like to suggest that you regularly go through your website to delete posts that are expired . It is at times tedious to get to the current posts.

  15. The tag on the bag of corn chips doesn’t seem to match…it says something about seaweed snacks…?
    Thank you for your post!

  16. Is the Aluminum Foil for 30cm x 200m or 45cm x 100m?
    The picture of the item is different from the description card.

    • The pictures are up, you just need to refresh your browser to download them. Your browser is still loading the old page.

  17. Thanks for posting so consistently every a Tuesday morning. I always look forward to reading your posts and it has become a Tuesday morning ritual for me now. I have subscribed to your early access membership, but I clicked a few ads for you. Keep up the great work!

  18. I went to Costco to buy Pork Rinds but the sales end yesterday

  19. Thank you so much! I love getting these posts so quickly 🙂 Best wishes for your little guy to have a speedy recovery!!

  20. The NEW EARLY POST with prices and pictures is currently only available to Paid Members. The post (pictures and prices) will be automatically available to everyone at 5:00AM Pacific Time

    It’s definitely after 5AM pa cific time today, but I still don’t see the pictures. 🙁

    • Hi Bruce, this post is currently only available to paid members. It will be made available to the public tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5:00AM.

      • I thought everyone would find this funny and interesting at the same time. There is a comment on the “Other” Costco posting website posted by a user called Doraemon. Doraemon basically blasts TDG for causing a shortage of face masks, hand sanitizers, gloves since he is a Chinese reseller and leaving “us Canadians here with nothing, I bet u made lots of money selling all of these…”. So let’s breakdown the comment.

        1. From last week’s John Lee Thursday post, we have learned that TDG probably gets zero to very little from the other website to post Costco photos so he needs to make money. TDG’s chosen business is resale to China. I am sure he uses the other website as a form of advertising for his resale business. So the implication here is that if you want something free because your an entitled or choosing beggar (love that description of the folks who whine about cocowest trying to raise money for a website rebuild because he is basically working for free doing these posts – see last Thursday’s comment by John Lee), you have to accept that yes the poster may be a Chinese reseller to support his ability ie earn a living so that he can actually afford to post photos on Costco
        2. Talk about racist overtones by Doraemon. TDG goes from hero to racially profiled to scapegoat to not being Canadian. You have to see this posting on the other website before it gets deleted to appreciate how Doraemon’s slams TDG from hero to zero in 10 seconds flat
        3. Finally Doraemon is blasting TDG’s work to cause price increases and supply shortages of Costco products. The implication is that by posting photos (which he does for probably next to no compensation), all of the users of his Free work go out and spend their money and make purchases. Well that is the point of the why the photos are posted because people want to see deals, save money, buy extra and use those products for their business (remember Costco used to have a “Business Membership” tier)
        Anyway my 2 bits

        • Hi. I’m located in the lower mainland as well. Are you able to post pictures of the plants and bulbs and garden related items on sale here ?

      • The chicken wings were only on sale until February 5th.

  21. I paid for the subscription, opened up the email, and all I got was the flyer?? How do I get the pictures?

  22. The Monday early post I’d not working for me. Only shows the coupons.

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